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    Touchscreen kiosk

    RS ConnectPoint®  

    We know operations can’t wait. That’s why RS ConnectPoint® gives you lineside order access to at the touch of a button.

    Simple sourcing. At your fingertips  

    Limited PC access in manufacturing facilities can make purchasing urgent and ad hoc parts a challenge. Our innovative RS ConnectPoint® touchscreen kiosk brings the RS portfolio and technical expertise directly to your engineers’ workspace, eliminating walk and wait times and boosting productivity.

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    61% of UK manufacturers believe that using digital technologies could boost their productivity. 

    Source: Make UK

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    Imagine a shopfloor procurement solution that accelerates productivity and brings costs down


    700,000 products available in real time, 24/7 – even after stores have clocked off.


    Intuitive touchscreen technology at the heart of your operations for lineside sourcing, fast collection and delivery.


    Pre-set purchasing limits across multiple users.


    Direct link to your RS Local team who can help you find the parts you need.

    Reduce downtime

    Speed up procurement with instant access to urgent supplies, order anytime, night or day.


    Simple to use touchscreen navigation with single sign on.

    Leveraging technology. Delivering efficiencies

    Find out how RS ConnectPoint® helps you tackle your MROP procurement challenges head-on.

    Saving time and money

    Streamlining procurement with smart solutions 

    RS ConnectPoint® streamlines lineside procurement and gives instant access to product and technical expertise. Set up is simple, with our experts on hand for easy implementation and ongoing support.

    Connect with us