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    Displays & Optoelectronics

    Optoelectronics are devices which combine both electronics and light technologies. Optoelectronic are smaller components that are found in PCBs (printed circuit boards) and emit and/or detect light in particular wavelengths. Optoelectronics are used by engineers and hobbyists during both the design phase through to manufacturing.

    Types of Optoelectronics:

    • LEDs (light emitting diodes) - for lighting and indicators
    • Laser modules - for alignment and object detection
    • Fibre optics - for telecommunications and data transfer
    • Photodetectors - for security systems
    • Ambient light sensors - for adjusting screen brightness

    Optoelectronics use both visible and invisible forms of light, such as IR (Infrared) and UV (ultraviolet). Optoelectronic devices are used in many applications such as general lighting (bulbs and lamps), household devices, automotive, indicators, telecommunications, and alignment. There are also many accessories to compliment the electronics devices, such as bezels, light pipes, reflectors, controllers and drivers.

    Displays provide a visual output from a computer or other device, to provide data, graphics and other information. They are often embedded into equipment to display information and increasingly include touch technology to be used as a HMI (Human Machine Interface). Optoelectronic devices, such as LEDs, are found inside the construction of displays.

    Displays show images and/or basic text and come in monochrome or colour variations.

    Types of Display Technology:

    • LED (Light Emitting Diode)
    • LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
    • OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode)
    • VFD (Vacuum Fluorescent Displays)

    Displays are commonly used to add a visual aid to devices such as tablet computers, vending machines or larger industrial equipment. Other applications include; factory machinery, medical equipment, scoreboards, retail displays, exhibitions, and road signage. There is a range of accessories to use with displays such as controllers, drivers, cables and bezels.

    Guides & Articles

    LED Displays Guide

    LED Displays Guide

    Learn more about the different LED display types available to help you choose the best one for your application.
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    Discover with DesignSpark

    Discover with DesignSpark

    Illuminating all things LED and lighting your inspiration: visit DesignSpark's LED Tech Hub now.
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    DesignSpark talks smart lighting and the halogen ban

    The team discuss the halogen ban, smart lighting, and the RS PRO range of LED and lighting products.