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    Packing in savings with RS ConnectPoint®

    Packaging innovation and design business Berry Superfos has seen service go up and costs come down

    Driving strategic improvements through innovative solutions

    Manufacturing companies need to operate at scale – high volumes, consistent outputs and carefully managed costs. One small problem can easily be amplified, whether it’s unplanned downtime, or an unexpected expense.

    We’ve been working closely with Berry Superfos Blackburn, a business that has spent more than 50 years at the forefront of packaging design and innovation. It designs, develops and manufactures innovative plastic packaging solutions, such as injection-moulded and thermoformed packs. Their solutions are designed to add value to their customers’ products no matter what and where their market is.


    Its global, extended value chain means there are multiple stakeholders across the business with a need for both urgent and non-urgent parts on an ad-hoc basis. But with just one main order placer responsible for collecting requests, sourcing and ordering these parts, the system for getting hold of much needed parts could become bogged down by bottlenecks and unproductive time. Requests for orders could arrive via email, or as verbal requests, and often lacked crucial details around part numbers. And whether the item was a replacement spanner for an engineer or a big-ticket item, the process for order requests was the same. Confronted by this challenging set of circumstances, we knew we had the insight, expertise and solution to tackle this common customer pain-point.


    Following initial discussions with the customer, we proposed the installation of an RS ConnectPoint® unit, which is the latest addition to our growing eco-system of value-added solutions powered by our commitment to ongoing digital innovation and omnichannel operations.

    RS ConnectPoint® provides users with an intuitive touchscreen terminal so they can quickly connect to the RS platform, where they can find the exact part they need and order it. It has been installed in the customer’s workshop, next to its stores.

    The new solution gives the 20+ maintenance team easy access to over 500,000 products without the need to return to an office to browse a website on a PC. It does away with the need to call local suppliers or visit them in person to find parts and place orders. It also connects to our nationwide network of RS Local branches, so the customer can speak to their nearest centre.RS ConnectPoint® also comes with Image Finder, innovative technology that lets the user take a photo of the item they need, before presenting them with a list of matching parts. While it’s currently in Beta, this is another step forward in reducing complexity, boosting convenience, and saving time.


    One of the key benefits of RS ConnectPoint® is that it is saving time and freeing people up to be more productive. “If I think about how long it takes to place orders, there’s a clear difference,” says Dean Grimshaw, Engineering Supervisor, Berry Superfos Blackburn.

    We have also been able to help the customer analyse its historical spend data and identify patterns of MRO requirements. That has led to the creation of a series of monthly orders that encompass the items most frequently ordered, which has also helped reduce time and we calculate around £30,000 of processing costs for the customer. “One of the most visible differences has been the dramatic fall in the number of orders we place,” Grimshaw says.

    As always with MRO purchases, the item price is only one part of the equation. In an industrial setting where an engineer needs a part, the time they lose leaving their workstation, walking to the purchasing team, and discussing what product is needed all adds up, too. And if they need to go off-site altogether and personally visit a supplier, even more time is lost. RS ConnectPoint® has successfully transformed operations at Berry Superfos Blackburn in a short space of time.

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    It probably takes around four times as long to place an order with our other MRO partners than it does using RS ConnectPoint®

    Dean Grimshaw, Engineering Supervisor, Berry Superfos Blackburn

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    Leveraging technology. Delivering efficiencies

    Find out how RS ConnectPoint® helps you tackle your MROP procurement challenges head-on.