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    Remote Controls

    From RS a wide range of high quality remote control components including remote control systems, remote control base stations and remote control fobs from leading brands. Remote controls enable you to control your applications remotely using a remote control fob and can be wireless, Bluetooth or radio transmitter controlled. Remote control systems can be used in a wide range of domestic and industrial applications including lighting, electric gates, garage doors and IoT (Internet of Things). Our ready to operate remote controls are available with a range of channel numbers and with weatherproof enclosures for outdoor use.

    Guides & Articles

    8 Tips for the Perfect Home Office Setup

    8 Tips for the Perfect Home Office Setup

    Optimise your home office setup and discover top working from home tips in our handy guide.
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    A Practical Guide to Road Safety

    A Practical Guide to Road Safety

    Road safety impacts everyone. This guide provides practical tips for drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists to stay safe and keep others safe on the road.
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