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      • Published 04 Jan 2023
      • Last Modified 29 Aug 2023
    • 2 min

    AI Innovators

    Who is leading the way in AI advancements?

    With Artificial Intelligence (AI) continually progressing and developing, it’s unsurprising that many companies are aiming to lead in the AI technology market - especially given that the global AI market is on track to be worth over $118 billion by 2022. But which companies are currently leading the way for innovation when it comes to AI?

    To find out, we’ve analysed AI patent applications in order to find out which brands are at the forefront of AI innovation. Take a look at the graphic below to see which countries have been making the most AI applications and the companies that have applied for the most, as well as which AI-focussed brands are making the most patent grants.

    AI Innovators

    When it comes to the countries leading the way in AI innovation, China has undoubtedly taken the lead. In fact, in contrast to Europe, China has made nearly 40 times as many patent applications. Interestingly, LG Electronics is taking the lead when it comes to the brands at the forefront of patent applications.

    Over the space of two years, LG Electronics has made 731 applications - which is more than double of the company that has made the 2nd highest amount of applications, Ping An Technology.

    The remaining brands in the top 10 are all extremely close in the amount of applications in the last two years - all ranging between 40 to 60. Should we expect one of these brands, such as Huawei Technologies or IBM to catch up over the next two years and overtake the likes of LG Electronics?